Kirsten Dunst Turns the Big 3-0! -- A Look at Her Most Memorable Roles
Actress Kirsten Dunst is celebrating a milestone birthday today. The actress her started her major motion picture career at just the age of eight in the Brian De Palma dark comedy, " The Bonfire of the Vanities ," is turning 30 years old. Kirsten has a new summer comedy coming out called "Bachelorette," which also stars Isla Fisher , Lizzy Caplan and "Parks and Recreation" star Adam Scott. After working almost non-stop from 1990 to 2008, Dunst took a bit of a break and didn't do much in 2009 or 2010. In 2011 though, she came back to critical acclaim for her work in "Melancholia," director Lars von Trier 's dark drama and science-fiction film centered on the impending destruction of Earth. In honor of Kirsten's 30th, we thought we'd take a look at some of her more memorable film roles. Claudia in "Interview With a Vampire" - Playing opposite Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt would be a tall order for any seasoned actor. For ...