Kirsten Dunst: Who'll Have Kids With Me?
Kirsten Dunst
PA Photos/Landov
"I thought when I reached 30 I'd have a lot more figured out," the actress says in the January issue of Lucky magazine. "Until you have a kid, you're just looking for your partner. And guys have a Peter Pan vibe. They're 35, and they act like they're 25."
She admits: "That's what scares me about being in my 30s: not finding someone to have kids with."
The Melancholia actress, who became a huge Hollywood star at age 12, even fantasizes about what a quiet family life would be like in the countryside north of New York City.
"I can't wait to relive life in a little kid's way," she says. "I'm so ready for that lifestyle: Get a little place upstate and have them go to school up there."
For now, though, it's about finding that special someone. And oddly enough, Dunst's suitors often seem swayed by her hairstyles more than anything like when she dyed her hair red for Spider-Man.
"I attract a different kind of boy when my hair's red," she says. "I get more quality men like a more thoughtful, nerdy dude."
One former boyfriend preferred her hair shorter, though now Dunst wonders if he didn't have a questionable agenda.
"The last time I cut it short, my boyfriend at the time was like, 'You look so much better with short hair.' So I cut it off," she says. "I know, I know, so stupid! My girlfriend thinks he just didn't want any guys to look at me."
She adds: "I actually can't wait to have long hair. It's getting! a littl e longer and my face already looks better."
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