Shia LaBeouf Won't Have Sex In 'Nymphomaniac,' Kirsten Dunst Predicts
Much ado has been made over the title and plot of Lars von Trier's upcoming movie, "Nymphomaniac" and rightly so, as the film's subject matter revolves around the title, along with the fact that the Danish director will reportedly make two versions of the film one less racy than the other.
The film's leading man Shia LaBeouf has not been shy about his gung-ho attitude toward the film and has said he plans to give the performance his all, whatever that might require whether it's being in an actual sex scene or a simulated one.
Naturally, the film is a buzzworthy one, especially with a boundary-pushing filmmaker like Von Trier at the helm. MTV News recently caught up with someone familiar with the director's style and sentiments, Kirsten Dunst, who starred in his last movie "Melancholia," to see if we'll actually be seeing sex on screen when push comes to shove (no pun intended).
"Lars isn't going to make them have sex for real," Dunst said when asked about whether "Nymphomaniac" will go full throttle with the scenes. "I don't think he's going to make his actors do that, no.
"I know Lars," she continued. "I mean, if Shia wants to do it Lars won't be like, 'No,' but Lars isn't someone who would be like, 'You have to do that.' "
LaBeouf seems pretty game to push some boundaries himself and has said that he'll do "whatever is asked" of him for the role.
"[Von Trier] is very dangerous," he said. "He's the most dangerous dude that I've ever showed up for. I'm terrified. I'm so terrified, which is why I have to go. We'll see what happens."
What do you think about Von Trier's expectations for his actors? Leave us your opinions below!
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