The secret of beautiful braids: Kirsten Dunst's pretty hair style has been huge this year. Here's how to get the look ...
PUBLISHED: 06:51 EST, 27 December 2012 | UPDATED: 12:06 EST, 27 December 2012
Braids have been huge this year, worn by everyone from Anne Hathaway to Nicola Roberts. Perfect for New Years day, this hairdo will make you look like you spent hours in a salon.
Hot hair trend: Braids are big right now, as sported by Kristen Dunst and Nicola Roberts
1. Try this on day-old rather than freshly-washed locks. Spray on a glossing treatment on (Lee Stafford Shine Head Spray Shine, 5.49, Boots) then part to one side.
Spray on a glossing treatment on then part to one side
Divide a thick section of hair either side of your parting into three, and loosely plait
2. Divide a thick section of hair either side of yo! ur parting into three, and loosely plait, making sure to keep volume at the roots. Secure and repeat on the other side. Spray with hairspray.
3. Gather the rest into a low ponytail and secure tightly. Grab the end of the ponytail and twist it into a bun, or double it over and pin. Spritz again with hairspray.
Grab the end of the ponytail and twist it into a bun, or double it over and pin
Now pin the plaits behind your ears, teasing out strands around your face
Hairspray and gently tease the roots for volume
4. Now pin the plaits behind your ears, teasing out strands around your face. If your hair is long enough, wrap one plait around the base of the bun to conceal the band.
5. Hairspray and gently tease the roots for volume. This look works best with simple make-up and rosy blusher.
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