Cortisone shots for pimples and i-Lipo for back-fat: Hollywood's secret beauty queen on how she gets stars in such ...
By Sara Nathan
PUBLISHED: 16:34 EST, 19 February 2013 | UPDATED: 18:35 EST, 19 February 2013
When the A list crowd strut down the red carpet at the Oscars on Sunday, there will be one woman left breathing out a huge sigh of relief.
After weeks of preparation, Nurse Jamie Sherrill will send her clients out to the biggest award ceremony of the year with gleaming and polished skin that has been so carefully worked on, you will be hard pressed to see just where their Botox has been injected.
The blonde beautician tells MailOnline: 'I always say red carpet looks are no accidents. Theyre the results of well-laid plans.'
Celebrities have cellulite too! Nurse Jamie Sherrill makes sure the stars don't age... too much
Bombarded with a string of late night phone calls - including one this week from a TV star frantic about two giant zits on her face - Nurse Jamie adds: 'The past few weeks have been crazy, if I was an accountant this would be my tax season. Ive been in the office till 9pm every night - it gets a little nutty.'
Nurse Jamie, who counts actresses Kirsten Dunst and Jennifer Love Hewitt among her clients, said: 'I have triplets, they're only 14-months-old and last night, I got a text from a client who is on camera and I had to come in.
'This is a big week in Hollywood, you have all the pre-ceremonies and parties and she had ginormous pimples.
Big fan: Nurse Jamie says Jennifer Lopez is always her red carpet favourite - while she dislikes the use over Botox, which Oscar winner Nicole Kidman said she tried, adding 'never again!'
Flawless skin: Hollywood stars Kirsten Dunst and Jennifer Love Hewitt have used Nurse Jamie's services
'Usually when she tells me these things, there's nothing wrong with her as she's so flawless. But these spots were huge. I injected Cortisone into them and also use a bit of laser treatment to take the redness out of it.
'I don't like to do things last minute, but these people have insane lives and have got to look good'
'They were red and inflamed and angry. She'd tried to get them on her own and was panicking.'
To get clients red carpet-ready, Nurse Jamie, a registered nurse and the co-owner of Beauty Park Medical Spa in Santa Monica, California, says every appointment is like a racing car pit stop.
She says: 'We usually have two or three people in the room, no-one has time, so we have one person tightening the body and another giving a treatment on the face.
'We cater to the busy individual and a lot of my celebrity clients don't have down time.'
! Fill her up: Nurse Jamie Sherrill poses with injectable fillers
Among the most popular treatments is head-to-toe instant tightening, where lasers are used to tighten sagging skin. 'Skin tightening is super popular in Hollywood. I've done several actresses' eye lids and brows right before red-carpet events. Instantly, the skin looks incredibly taught and they can head straight to hair and make-up,' she says.
Baby Drop Fillers: A special 'Gucci' needle and baby drops of filler can smooth wrinkles even on the day of an event. Nurse Jamie uses a hyaluronic acid- based filler for natural, bruise-free results.
Head-to-Toe Instant Tightening: A 'non-surgical team' of registered nurses will tighten every inch with a radio frequency device. Nurse Jamie says: 'Instantly the skin looks incredibly taut and there is no downtime.'
Botox Lite: 'For a softer, more relaxed look, we inject tiny amounts of the toxin into multiple areas of the forehead,' Nurse Jamie says. 'This way, people still have full motion... without the skin looking like an accordion!'
Vitamin IM Injection Facial: An aesthetician tends to the skin, while a registered nurse administers an IM injection, which includes B Vitamins and Vitamin C. It's better to take them together rather than one at a time. It helps to maintain collagen and protect the skin from sun damage.
Zit Killer: On its own, the acclaimed 'cort shot' (cortisone injection) can shrink colossal zits with in 48 hours. As a follow up, skin is smoothed with the Near Infrared light.
Cue the 'Q': This is the no downtime facelift. It target redness in the skin and works wonders on the skin's texture and tone. If a star can't get in to see Jamie, she tells them to pick up a EGF Stem Cell Repair serum and Beauty Stamp which uses a similar technology.
Vaginal Rejuvenation: 'Befo! re you pa! ss judgement on this treatment, I want to tell you it is so worth it!' says Nurse Jamie. It includes front-to-back skin tightening in the bikini area and removal of ingrown hairs, skin tags and discoloration. 'I'm just saying, we do a LOT of these procedures,' she says.
Body Fat Tightening: 'We'll essentially redo the entire surface of their body,' says Jamie, who uses radio frequency to tighten loose skin. Also in demand is i-Lipo, a fat-busting device that targets belly bulges and love handles.
Electric Facials: This facial uses different types of current to boost radiance, enhance lymphatic drainage, kill acne bacteria, wipe out dark circles, and even spark cellular repair.
Bacteria-Busting Facials: Facials with extractions can trigger more blemishes than they treat. Jamie's team applies gauze dipped in liquid nitrogen to kill bacterial and sooth the skin.
Nurse Jamie also uses the i-Lipo, a fat busting device that can help dissolve unseemly belly bulges, love handles and back fat. 'Patients literally pee out the metabolised fat', says Nurse Jamie 'and they are so svelte, that they can retire their Spanx and fit into a micro mini dress.
'We look at the areas that can show up on camera, like the bra fat, where the fat scrunches up - we detail those places.
'Ninety per cent of women have cellulite and celebrities are no exception, they have the same skin afflictions, they're not immune, just like the rest of us!'
For a series of eight i-Lipo treatment, Nurse Jamie charges $2,000, while small amounts of Botox can cost $300.
Stars such as Nicole Kidman have seemingly overdone the Botox in the past, with the Oscar winner admitting earlier this month: 'No surgery for me. I did try Botox, unfortunately, but I got out of it and now I can finally move my face again.'
And Nurse Jamie says: 'I hate that full-on Botox look, it looks ridiculous.
'We specialise in combination therapy because everyone is d! ifferent.! We do 'baby Botox', it's dots of Botox and fillers. Your face should move, I just don't think that lines have to be etched on your face - there's something we can do about that.
The biggest problem, Nurse Jamie says, is that women stop making collagen at age 25, which makes skin looked aged and tired.
She uses the Pixel Perfect, a laser which makes microscopic perforations in the skin which makes the skin then produce new collagen - and also has her own laser called Skin Stamp which clients can use at home.
For the bravest of her clients, Nurse Jamie even offers vaginal rejuvenation, laughing: 'I know it's sounds crazy, but that's what they said about the Brazillian 10 years ago - and everyone does it now.'
On Sunday, Nurse Jamie will be backstage at the Oscars 'doing some last minute skin tightening before make-up'.
She says: 'I don't like to do things last minute. but these people have insane lives, but they have got to look good and they're used to doing things at the last minute.
'I'll be gone before they even reach the red carpet!'
When asked for her favourite red carpet star, she replies: 'Jennifer Lopez - she's not a client, although I wish she was! What she does always looks flawless.'
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